Everything For A Hacker
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Assembly Source File
122 lines
; Routine by Rob Green.
; Released to the Public Domain on Feb. 20th 1993.
.MODEL small
; This routine displays a string at the current cursor location
; DS:DX point to the string to display. If a #0 is found, then
; the next byte is the attribute. the string is '$' terminated
Attrib Db 07
X Db 00
Y Db 00
Print proc near
push ax ; Save registers.. Dont want to
push bx ; be like Microsoft
push cx
push si
push dx
push ds
mov ah,3 ; Gets the current cursor
mov bh,0 ; Location, so we know were
int 010h ; to print
mov x,dl ; and save
mov y,dh
pop ds
pop dx
push dx
cld ; Not needed but habit ;)
mov si,dx ; and setup our counter
GetChr: mov al,ds:[si] ; Get character, LODSB wouldnt
; work for some reason
inc si ; Inc pointer
cmp al,0 ; Is it an attribute?
jz Attr ; Yes, change the Attrib.
cmp al,'$' ; Is it end of String
jz endStr ; Yes, do cleanup
cmp al,0dh ; Is it Enter?
jne @@1 ; No, check for LF
mov x,0 ; Enter puts the cursor at begining of
; line
jmp short getchr ; Dont print, 010h/09h prints literals only
@@1: cmp al,0ah ; Is it a LF
jne @@2 ; No, go print
inc y ; Linefeeds advances the cursor row
cmp y,26 ;decimal ; Check to see if time for a scroll
jne getchr ; I omitted this code..
mov y,25 ; This takes into account of
; scrolling (decimal)
; Scrolling routine omitted
jmp short getchr ; And dont print lf, literals only
@@2: push si ; This was causing me trouble!!
push ax ; I kept getting trash on the screen
push bx ; and i couldnt figure out why
push dx ; amazing what can happen by just saving
mov ah,02h ; the registers.. like work ;)
mov bh,0h ; This sets the cursor location before print
mov dh,y
mov dl,x
int 010h
pop dx ;I wish Dos wouldnt trash the registers!!!
pop bx ;
pop ax ;
push dx ;
push bx ;
push ax ;
mov ah,09h ; And this prints a character to the
mov bh,0 ; screen
mov bl,attrib
mov cx,1
int 010h
pop ax
pop bx
pop dx
inc x ; Increments the Column
pop si
jmp short getchr ; And do it all over again
; Changes the attribute
attr: mov al,ds:[si]
inc si
mov attrib,al
jmp short getchr
; got a '$' and ready to RET
pop dx
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
print endp
start proc far
push ds
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov dx,offset testmsg
call print
mov ax,04c00h
int 021h
start endp
testMsg db 0,0eh,'Yellow ',0,1eh,'Yellow/Blue ',0,08eh,'Blinking Yellow'
db 0,04h,0dh,0ah,'This is in Red',0dh,0ah
db 0,0fh,'This is in White'
db '$'
.stack 0200h
end start